Simon G. Haastert

Research Associate @ University of Münster.


Hey, welcome to my personal website!

I am a PhD candidate at the Institute of Econometrics and Economic Statistics at the University of Münster.

My main research interest is the application of reinforcement learning to economic modelling, that is modelling human behavior in macroeconomic and game theoretic models through deep RL. Also, I am currently working on an exciting project with the goal of measuring multidimensional, dynamic inequality. In this project, we devise a reduced-form estimation technique based on offline reinforcement learning to complement the structural estimation approach, which is also proposed in the paper.

Have a look at my current projects below.

Current research projects:
  1. Inequality Measurement - A unifying framework for dynamics, multidimensionality, and uncertainty
  2. Economic modeling meets deep reinforcement learning - an empirical analysis
  3. Modelling cooperation in a dynamic common pool resource game with deep reinforcement learning.



Jan 31, 2025 Have a look at our working paper Inequality Measurement - A unifying framework for dynamics, multidimensionality, and uncertainty at SSRN :sparkles:
Nov 08, 2022 I published a first version of my personal website :rocket:

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